In 1901 at the beginning of the twentieth century, the great African-American political theoretician and activist W.E.B. DuBois said in his The Souls of Black Folk, that the problem of the twentieth century will be the problem of the "color line." By that he meant that the problems that have to be worked out will be related to the effects of and eradication of racism in America. Indeed, he was in large part right. The history of America in the 20th century has indeed been that of the struggle for civil rights and equality. The great struggles that encompassed America after the depression were the confrontation with Nazism and Fascism abroad and racism at home. The struggle against racism has continued to the present day.
Like DuBois, commentators have speculated about what the future will bring. Most of them who have talked about life in the 21st century have concentrated on the coming wonders of technology. They have discussed the new and wonderful breakthroughs that await us in the biological and medical sciences - the coming cure for cancer, heart disease, and other physiological problems. They have talked about the new genetics in which the keys to life will be unlocked through the human genome project and humans can be made more perfect by eliminating faulty genes and improving upon others. This promises to give us longer, healthier lives. Astronomers have predicted that more planets will be found, our knowledge of the universe will increase and perhaps we will be able to unlock mysteries of the origin of the universe and life in it. The internet and other computer-driven areas of communication are fundamentally altering living habits and that promises to increase and change in directions that can only be guessed at.
All these speculations have an optimistic aura about them. The 20th century was the greatest century for human life ever. More people are living better and longer than ever before. There are now more democratic nations than ever before. There is less hunger than ever. But there is a long way to go. One commentator recently said that over 50% of the world's population has never made or received a phone call. Millions of people still live in grinding poverty. Famines and starvation are not uncommon. Will countries in poor and developing nations catch up to Western industrialized societies in the next 100 years? This is a questionable proposition. Many people live in societies that are not much changed for hundreds of years. With population expansion, the misuse of our national resources, and the spoilage of the environment, the problems that confront all Americans - and all humans - will be extremely difficult to solve. This, of course, says nothing about the human propensity for war and killing that has been a fundamental aspect of human society since its beginning and that has made the 20th century the bloodiest ever.
I tend to look at the future differently than most other people. While the problems that still face us our monumental, they are still human problems and they are amenable to human will. They are solvable, no matter how difficult. The world has been manipulated by humans for the benefit of humans and it is within their power to make things right. Other than natural disasters, virtually everything both good and bad that has happened in our world since humans have been on it has been due to humans. To paraphrase the gospel song, "We've Got the Whole World in our Hands." Our ability to use our ever-increasing powers for good is unquestioned. Our resolve to do so is more questionable.
Having said all this, I tend to look at the 21st century differently than most people. I see it through the prism of the UFO and abduction phenomenon. What I see does not give me confidence or optimism. In my research (described in The Threat) abductees have indicated to me that aliens and hybrids plan a possible integration or colonization of human society. I have come to agree with them. I arrived at this extreme view cautiously after spending over thirty-five years studying the subject - the last eighteen of which I spent concentrating almost exclusively on abductions. It is not a view of which I am very fond. I makes me seem as if my quality of mind is lacking and my judgment is severely impaired. It destroys my credibility in virtually all other areas of my intellectual life as a professor of history. Yet, I must adhere to it because I have found the evidence for it to be so compelling, even though I have struggled against believing the evidence for this strain of thought.
It is important to understand, however, that my ability to predict the future is spotty. At the end of 1969 I confidentially predicted to my friends in graduate school at the University of Wisconsin that the 1970s would be the decade of the "big breakthrough" - the UFO mystery would finally be solved. I thought that it was inevitable that we would break into the mysteries of UFOs and it would not take more than a decade. But, the 1970s came and went without the big breakthrough, without a solution to the mystery, and indeed, even without a substantial increase in our knowledge of the subject. Such is my predictive ability. However, I feel that a prediction is in order, one that I feel more confident in than in my youthful attempt. To paraphrase W.E.B. DuBois, I think that the problem of the 21st century will be the problem of the alien presence. This, above all, will define and drive human society and activity. I reported that abductees felt that the aliens will begin their integration program into the society within the next forty years. I still think that this is the case.
Recently I had a regression session with a fifty-one year old woman. She described undergoing a training exercise while on board a UFO. that the aliens required her to go through. In training (or "Testing") procedures (described in Secret Life and The Threat) aliens require abductees to perform certain tasks that appear to be for future alien-directed activity in human society. In this typical instance, she was told to make a small UFO hover while she envisioned a group of humans chasing an alien. The alien was on the ground running for the hovering UFO and she was to rescue him. She accomplished her task by working controls on a consul and then she was led to believe that she had been successful and the alien was "rescued." The beings whisked her away for other procedures.
I tell this story not for its particulars which, of course, are fascinating and thought provoking, but for the fact that she is fifty-one years old. I have investigated about twelve different people being trained for various future activities. Of these people, several are in their fifties. If the beings are training them for a role to play in the future, then it stands to reason that they would be used before they become too old for the activity. It seems unlikely that they were planning to use them forty years from now when they are in their nineties. More likely they planning to use them while they are alive and vigorous. If that is the case, then they would probably have to fulfill their functions within the next twenty years or so.
Of course, I could be very wrong and be completely misinterpreting the nature of alien intentions. The aliens could be planning something that uses human learning processes for activities that we cannot imagine. I have been wrong in the past and will be wrong in the future. Regardless, the alien program and alien presence continues into the another century. The evidence suggests that we have been involved with it for most of the twentieth century and it has become increasingly pervasive in the popular culture and intellectual life of the society. My guess is that it will not go away, regardless of our desires - especially of my desire to be wrong.
Friday, March 12, 2010
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